The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas
Journal Title
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Volume Title
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas
Content Notes
This file contains the full text and photos from the March 1975 issue of the campus Newsletter.
General Notes
Table of Contents
--Center's Dedication Set --Fashena First Woman DCMS President-Elect --Funds Expand Lot 4, Provide Data System --Stefanu Heads Post --McCall, Sanford Two Take Dean Appointments --Science Writers Hear Bonte, Goldstein Talks --Stenstrom to Assume Georgia Directorship --SAHS Hosts PA Exam --Offices Relocate --New Ambulance Service Equips Paramedics With Emergency Tactics --Pediatrics Schedules Zale Talk --Montgomery Elected Runyon Fund Head --KFA Awards Rehab Grant --Immunology Program Begins --Newsmakers... --Allied Health --Animal Resources Center --Cardiopulmonary --Cell Biology --Graduate School --Medical Computing Resources Center --Medical Genetics --Medical Information --Obstetrics/Gynecology --Orthopedic Surgery --Personnel --Pharmacology --Physical Plant --Radiology --Rheumatology --Student Store --UT Regional Computing Center --Library --Accounting --Thoracic Surgery