Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 10 (3)
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American Psychiatric Association
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Volume 10(3): Summer 2001. This item contains the PDF files for the entire issue. Images are also provided for larger viewing of figures or tables. Limited to on-campus access only. Off-campus users must use VPN to access files within this item.
Table of Contents
Crits-Christoph, P., Connolly, M. B., Gallop, R., Barber, J. P., Tu, X., Gladis, M., & Siqueland, L. Early Improvement During Manual-Guided Cognitive and Dynamic Psychotherapies Predicts 16-Week Remission Status. 145-154.
Despland, J-N, de Roten, Y., Despars, J., Stigler, M., & Perry, J. C. Contribution of Patient Defense Mechanisms and Therapist Interventions to the Development of Early Therapeutic Alliance in a Brief Psychodynamic Investigation. 155-164.
Barber, J. P., Stratt, R., Halperin, G., & Connolly, M. B. Supportive Techniques: Are They Found in Different Therapies? 165-172.
Andrusyna, T. P., Tang, T. Z., DeRubeis, R. J., & Luborsky, L. The Factor Structure of the Working Alliance Inventory in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. 173-178.
Aviram, R. B., Rhum, M., & Levin, F. R. Psychotherapy of Adults with Comorbid Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Psychoactive Substance Use Disorder. 179-186.
Peteet, J. R. Putting Suffering into Perspective: Implications of the Patient's World View. 187-192.
Levine, S. B., & Stagno, S. J. Informed Consent for Case Reports: The Ethical Dilemma of Right to Privacy Versus Pedagogical Freedom. 193-201.
Book Reviews. 202-204.
J Psychother Prac Res