Health and digital technology partnerships: too close for comfort?

Content Notes


Digital technology companies are seeking out partnerships with medical institutions at an astounding rate. Those involved tout these partnerships as empowering consumers, driving innovation, and increasing efficiency. At the same time, ethical red flags have gone up over potential violations of patient privacy and unsanctioned use of data for non-medical purposes. While contract transparency is a core ethical concern when personal health data is involved, a broader question is whether these contracts are different in kind than more established healthcare partnerships. Big data partnerships are relatively unique; these companies neither specialize in the healthcare industry nor provide healthcare institutions with an identifiable medical product. The ethical dimensions of these partnerships extend to broader questions about the appropriate role of digital technology corporations in an arena that, at least in theory, is oriented toward the physical, mental, and social well-being of everyone within our society.

General Notes

Tuesday, February 9, 2021; noon to 1 p.m.; via Zoom. "Ethics and Digital Wellness". Laura Specker Sullivan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University.

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