Medical ethics related to child abuse: evaluations, diagnoses, and reporting

Content Notes


For medical practitioners encountering situations of child abuse or neglect, the subject matter itself can be difficult and even traumatizing. The ethical issues that arise add to the discomfort for those involved with these cases. Through case vignettes, this webinar will discuss some of the more common ethical dilemmas, such as determining a plan for medical evaluations related to abuse, formulating medical diagnoses, and responding to mandatory reporting laws. The relationship of these ethical issues to concerns about the roles and functioning of child welfare agencies will also be addressed.

General Notes

Tuesday, February 13, 2024; noon to 1 p.m. (Central Time); Room NB2.100A or via Zoom. "Medical Ethics Related to Child Abuse: Evaluations, Diagnoses, and Reporting." Deborah E. Lowen, M.D., Former Deputy Commissioner of Child Health, Tennessee Department of Children's Services, and Senior Medical Editor, Child Abuse Pediatrics Sub-board, American Board of Pediatrics.

Table of Contents


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