Researchers behaving badly: unreported misconduct in clinical trials

Content Notes


Every year the Food and Drug Administration inspects several hundred clinical sites performing biomedical research on human subjects. These inspections occasionally reveal evidence of substantial departures from good clinical practice, of research misconduct, and even of fraud. In this talk, Professor Seife will discuss incidents of research misconduct identified by the FDA (and via other means) and examine how frequently these incidents are reported in peer-reviewed journals, and whether unreported incidents are a potential distorting influence on the medical literature. Professor Seife will also examine the forces which are responsible for the frequent failure of research misconduct – even widespread misconduct – to come to the attention of scientists and clinicians.

General Notes

Tuesday, May 10, 2016; noon to 1 p.m.; Room D1.602. "Researchers Behaving Badly: Unreported Misconduct in Clinical Trials". Charles Seife, M.S., Professor, Department of Journalism, Division of Medical Ethics, New York University.

Table of Contents


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