Optimizing Glucose Meter Downloads at Parkland Diabetes Clinic




Wees, Isabel Rose

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BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a common chronic condition that has vast health and economic consequences. Diabetes requires constant monitoring and attention to various metabolic variables. Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) levels has been shown to reduce microvascular and macrovascular disease complications. LOCAL PROBLEM: The Parkland Diabetes Clinic (PDC) encourages patients to take an active role in their health through SMBG, which requires them to check their blood sugar at home and then share this data with their provider to create personalized treatment plans. Currently, only about 50% of patients at this clinic bring their meter to their appointments. Thus, the provider struggles to provide personalized, effective care due to lack of blood sugar history. METHODS: This project began by obtaining a benchmark for the current percentage of patients at the PDC that bring their glucose meters to their appointments. Provider and patient surveys were created to better understand beliefs and habits regarding SMBG and utility of bringing glucometers to clinic appointments. The survey results were obtained and analyzed. PLANNED OR ACTUAL INTERVENTIONS: The intervention implemented for this project was determined based on analysis of the survey results as well as discussion with clinic staff and providers. A staff education session was conducted every 3 months during the intervention period and small glucometer messaging reminder posters were hung to improve communication between staff/providers and patients. The percentage of patients that brought their glucometers improved from 50.71% to 57.76%. This showed a statistically significantly increase following the intervention period, indicating a successful and reproducible intervention.

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