An argument for a liberal public health: reflections on a discipline in flux after COVID-19 (The Daniel W. Foster, M.D., Visiting Lectureship in Medical Ethics)

Content Notes


Health has been in the spotlight in an unprecedented fashion during the COVID-19 pandemic. While there is no question that much that was done during the pandemic saved lives, it is also the case that the pandemic should be cause for reflection about what we did not do as well as we should have. How should we rethink what we do and how we do it in health in the aftermath of COVID-19? What are the key takeaways from the pandemic that can make for better efforts towards the health of populations?

General Notes

The Daniel W. Foster, M.D. Visiting Lectureship In Medical Ethics (in conjunction with Ethics Grand Rounds). Tuesday, October 11, 2022; noon to 1 p.m. (Central Time); Room D1.502 or via Zoom. "An Argument for a Liberal Public Health: Reflections on a Discipline in Flux after COVID-19". Sandro Galea, M.D., M.P.H., Dr.P.H., Dean and the Robert A. Knox Professor, Boston University School of Public Health, and Professor of Family Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine.

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