Is transhumanism a helpful answer to contemporary bioethical challenges?
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Transhumanism is proposed by its advocates as the ultimate solution to struggles and limitations that affect personal and social health and well-being. Such a proposal could appear merely a philosophical exercise. Three current developments, however, make the transhumanist aspirations more realistic: first, the influence of transhumanist ideas and projects in successful leading global companies like Google; second, the rapidly developing robotic technologies and their implementation; third, the forthcoming studies on brain functioning. Both medicine and bioethics have addressed personal and social challenges, locally and globally, by aiming at further humanization, i.e., by focusing on the "human," not on the "transhuman." Should physicians and bioethicists revise their human-centered focus by replacing it with the proposed "transhuman"? Does "transhumanism" promote health and address health-related bioethical challenges?