Obesity prevention policies in the United States: which approaches make the most ethical sense?
Kass, Nancy E.
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Content Notes
The rates of obesity in the United States have been climbing over the last several decades. While the diet industry has become a multi-million dollar business, public policy is considering various options to change our food environment in order to reduce our intake of unhealthy substances, or to make unhealthy consumption less attractive. Which options make the most ethical sense? What is the tension between helping us become our best healthy selves vs. our government acting like the nanny state? This talk will introduce a series of proposals from across the country and examine them in light of general commitments of public health ethics.
General Notes
Tuesday, November 8, 2016; noon to 1 p.m.; Room D1.602. "Obesity Prevention Policies in the United States: Which Approaches Make the Most Ethical Sense?" Nancy E. Kass, Sc.D., Phoebe R. Berman Professor of Bioethics and Public Health, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.