The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas
Journal Title
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The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas
Content Notes
This file contains the full text and photos from the January 1973 issue of the campus Newsletter.
General Notes
Table of Contents
--Estabrook Selected Chairman-Elect of AAMC's Academic Societies' Council --Harrison Named President of UT San Antonio Center --Adolph Joel Weinberger Dies: Founder of Research Laboratory --Shires Delivers Scudder Oration to American College of Surgeons --Robert V. Walker Named President of American Oral Surgeons Group --Genetics Counseling Done by UT Graduate --Nutritionist Speaks --Bearn is Bromberg Prof --TV at Noon --Violet Ray Gets New Job --Parker Chosen Outstanding --Siddiqui is MARC Fellow --Kirk Wins Award --Spence Named V-P --Grad Scores Top Grade --Juanita Epperson Honored --Knapp Gives Paper --Curreri, Gunter Fellows --Gill Named to Council --Donna Park Honored --Board of Regents Okays Pharmacy Program --Center Helps with Heart Day --School Honors Long-Time Employees --Beard is Honorary Member --Mullins Granted Fellowship --Scott Named --McDermott Establishes Human Development Center --Death Takes Noted Faculty Member, Dr. Edward Sulkin of Microbiology --Big Bundle --Retirement Announcement