White, Douglas B.2017-03-162017-03-162017-03-14https://hdl.handle.net/2152.5/4071Tuesday, March 14, 2017; noon to 1 p.m.; Room D1.602. "Responding To Requests For Futile or Potentially Inappropriate Treatment". Douglas B. White, M.D., M.A.S.; Vice Chair and Professor of Critical Care Medicine; Director, Program on Ethics and Decision Making in Critical Illness; University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.Managing requests for potentially inappropriate treatment is deceptively complex and exposes unanswered questions about the boundaries of good medical practice in patients with advanced illness. This talk will summarize the recent guidelines from five major United States and European critical care societies on how to respond to such requests and how to proceed in the face of intractable conflict.MPEG-4 movie01:01:15enGrand RoundsClinical CompetenceCritical CareIntensive Care UnitsLife Support CareTeaching RoundsUnnecessary ProceduresResponding to requests for futile or potentially inappropriate treatmentVideo976410915