Miles, Steven H.2013-10-152013-10-152013-10-08, October 8, 2013; noon to 1 p.m.; Room D1.602. "Physician Accountability for Torture: Emerging Standards for Practice". Steven H. Miles, M.D., Professor and Maas Family Endowed Chair in Bioethics, Center for Bioethics, Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School.Physicians are complicit with torture in many countries. They develop methods that leave no scars, keep prisoners alive who are not supposed to die, and falsify medical records and death certificates to conceal tortures. Since 1975, there has been an increasingly rapidly accelerating trend to hold these physicians accountable either by criminal courts or by medical licensing boards. This talk will review this trend and its implications.MPEG-4 movie00:51:48enGrand RoundsEthics, MedicalLicensure, MedicalPhysiciansTeaching RoundsTorturePhysician accountability for torture: emerging standards for practiceVideo939543835