Guill, Dallas2024-07-162024-07-162024-07 author submitted this entry in the Open Verse Poetry category (Amateur division) for the 2024 On My Own Time (OMOT) Art Show.A friend shared the news of a loved one's passing while I was back home visiting family. I received the news via text in the sunroom of my sister's house. It was a quiet, gray afternoon, with a light mist covering the fields behind their east Texas home. While reflecting on the loss, I imagined the additional stress of laying someone to rest on an afternoon of bad weather. And yet I found my mind drifting towards the deceased's perspective, and how perhaps he would see the beauty in being memorialized on a rainy day. And as he slowly transitioned from the physical world, he would latch on to the weather, succumbing to sentimentality, listening to the sound of thunder and rain one last time.enOpen Verse PoetryBury Me on a Rainy DayOtherDivision A: Amateur